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Who Are We?

Softflight Music Recording Studio is operated for and by musicians. We are located about 10 minutes from downtown Redding CA, in a close-in but isolated location. Our small but expanding 1300 square foot studio and friendly people seek to provide musicians and the audio sculptor with the competent, positive, safe, creative, relaxed and affordable environment needed for a smooth pre-to-post production experience! Remember, WE ARE MUSICIANS and LOVE TO PLAY!

We strive for uniformity, clarity and full understanding, so concise communication, from start to finish, is essential.


We celebrate and encourage progressive cultural diversity and action within the North State Musical Community!

Are you a solo artists or band:

Ready to take it out of the living room or garage and do that demo CD?

Need a space to write, focus and sharpen up your work?

In need of completing a project started elsewhere? 

Looking for help in songwriting, arrangement, and/or production vision?

Needing musicians for a project?

Planing to make video of your song or of a live performance?

Needing help with copywriting or licensing your work or the work of other artist?

In need of a website and getting your work out to the the digital world?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above, then we need to talk!                                                                              

It all starts with an email and let's see if we can help you quickly go wherever you need on your musical journey!

Who Are You?

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